Our Procedures

Extractions/Wisdom Teeth

Teeth may need extraction for various reasons.

Some are severely decayed, others have advanced periodontal disease, or are broken beyond repair. Additionally, some teeth require removal due to poor positioning (such as impacted teeth) or in preparation for orthodontic treatment.

Anesthesia Services

At Jackson Oral Facial Surgery, our goal is to provide the BEST experience possible.

Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia enables us to perform your surgical procedure safely and comfortably. We administer a thin needle into a vein in your arm or hand, attached to an intravenous tube through which medication is delivered to help you relax and feel comfortable.



The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) includes a disc between the lower jaw and the base of the skull, acting as a cushion for smooth, pain-free movement.

TMJ problems often occur if this disc is dislocated, potentially leading to arthritis (joint inflammation). The most common causes of TMJ pain are disc disorders and arthritis.


The mouth’s interior is lined with a special type of skin (mucosa) that is smooth and coral pink.

Any changes in its appearance could indicate a pathological process, with the most serious being oral cancer. While most changes are non-cancerous, they still require evaluation and treatment.

Jaw Corrective Surgery (Orthognathic Surgery)

Jaw corrective surgery realigns jaws and teeth, indicated when there is a growth disturbance in the upper or lower jaw bones.

This can result in malocclusions such as overbites, underbites, crossbites, and facial asymmetry, causing difficulties in chewing, speaking, TMJ pain/dysfunction, and social stigma.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium fixtures that are placed in the bone

Dental implants are shaped like screws with threads that engage the bone to allow intimate contact with the titanium surface and the jawbone. Dental implants are highly successful when properly planned, placed, and restored.

Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

Injectable Non-invasive Cosmetic Procedures

Injectable non-invasive cosmetic procedures address dynamic rhytids (wrinkles) caused by facial animation, which become more pronounced with age. Common wrinkle patterns like elevens, crow’s feet, laugh lines, and worry lines can be reduced with BOTOX injections.