Anesthesia Services

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At Jackson Oral Facial Surgery, our primary goal is to provide a top-tier experience. Utilizing Deep Sedation and General Anesthesia, we ensure your surgical procedures are conducted with maximum safety and comfort.

Understanding General Anesthesia

For an oral surgeon to administer general anesthesia in an office setting, they must undergo extensive training, including a minimum of four months of hospital-based anesthesia education. Afterward, a state dental board-appointed examiner evaluates the surgeon in-office. This evaluation includes observing a surgical procedure where general anesthesia is administered, inspecting all monitoring and emergency equipment, and testing the surgical team on handling anesthesia-related emergencies. Upon passing the evaluation, the state dental board issues a license to perform general anesthesia, which requires renewal every two years with ongoing education in anesthesia.

Patient comfort and safety are our highest priorities regarding anesthesia. If you have any questions or concerns about the type of anesthesia to be used for your procedure, please discuss them with your surgeon during your consultation.

Administering IV Sedation

IV sedation involves inserting a thin needle into a vein in your arm or hand, connected to an intravenous tube that delivers medication to help you relax and feel at ease.

The objective of IV sedation is to use the minimal amount of medication necessary to complete the treatment safely. It is much safer than oral sedation. A constant “drip” is maintained via the intravenous tube, and an antidote can be administered at any time to reverse the effects if needed. You will gently drift off to sleep and awaken once the surgery is complete.