Jaw Corrective Surgery

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Indications for Surgery

Jaw corrective surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, becomes necessary when there are abnormalities in the growth patterns of the upper or lower jawbones. These growth disturbances can lead to various malocclusions, such as overbite, underbite, crossbite, or facial asymmetry. Such misalignments can result in difficulties with chewing, speaking, TMJ pain or dysfunction, and social discomfort.

Objectives of Jaw Corrective Surgery

The primary objective of orthognathic surgery is to reposition the jaws into their correct alignment, thereby restoring normal function and improving facial aesthetics. This surgical intervention is usually undertaken in conjunction with orthodontic treatment. Collaborating closely with your orthodontist, we develop a comprehensive treatment plan aimed at achieving the best possible outcome. Your orthodontist will first align the teeth in preparation for surgery, which will then be performed with braces in place. Following a healing period of approximately six weeks, your orthodontist will further adjust the position of the teeth to complement the new jaw alignment.

Surgical Procedure

Our surgical planning process involves the use of advanced technology, including Cone Beam CT scans and digital intraoral scans, conducted right here in our office. Through Virtual Surgical Planning (VSP), we meticulously plan the details of the surgery before proceeding to the operating room. This precise planning allows us to share the surgical plan with you and your orthodontist prior to the procedure, ensuring transparency and understanding throughout the process.

Orthognathic surgery offers remarkable results for conditions that cannot be effectively addressed with orthodontic treatment alone. We are committed to guiding you through every step of the process, from initial consultation to post-operative care, and look forward to helping you achieve a functional and aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Having Orthognathic Surgery

Corrective Jaw Surgery